
Mahmoud Hojeij lives and works in Beirut, Lebanon. He has a PhD in Media and Communication from European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2006, MA in Media Studies from New School University, New York in 2001 and BA in Communication Arts from The Lebanese American University, Beirut in 1997.

He is a writer, director and executive producer of a number of films including: 'Wish You Were Here', 2006; 'Masks', 2004/06; 'We Will Win', 2006; 'Tell Me Something', 2006; 'Sa Carapace' 2006; 'America', 2004; 'An Ocean Apart', 2003. His work has received many awards.

You Can Come In

27 min, 2007, video still
Courtesy of the artist

Before the war, walking into people’s houses was a norm. During war it became a necessity.